Friday, November 03, 2006

Let’s nationalize the Resistance!

isn’t it amazing how the same people who recently discovered a sense of national unity and who have been repeating over and over again how this country can only be built on consensus between all sects; reminding everyone how it is contrary to the very essence of Lebanon that certain factions, despite being democratically elected, control the government; reaffirming on every possible occasion that the decisions - starting with the least important ones such as appointing civil servants - should be adopted unanimously… isn’t it amazing how such vigorous positions are not observed by the very same party that is so graciously distributing lessons to everyone else in the country? Unanimity, it seems, is essential when appointing low-ranked civil servants, or ministers from a certain sect. But it is absolutely unnecessary when it comes to more serious issues such as life or death, or declaring war or peace.

So I suggest we take advantage of this newly-found spirit of national unity among these people and ask them to take it a step further: Let’s nationalize the Resistance! Let the resistance reflect the national unity we all aspire to. Why should it be restricted to some people when it could embrace all citizens? Why should it be controlled by a certain sect if all others would be more than willing to take part in it? It is obvious that the implications of the resistance are felt by all the Lebanese, in every singly part of the country. It is only reasonable then that they have a word in it, that it represents them all, that it follows orders issued by leaders whose allegiance wouldn’t be questioned by their countrymen and not by a sectarian leader who is likely to be influenced by certain foreign actors.


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