Irresponsibility or ignorance?
Sometimes I wonder if our politicians are aware of what they say and of the consequences it might have on the people. Is it irresponsibility or ignorance? In an already radicalized society the logical thing to do is to refrain from instilling baseless fears among your constituency and – falsely - blame all their problems on the “others”. Fear leads to hate. Do they know that? Do they want that?
The expression “al-sunniya al-siyassiya” (roughly translated as Political Sunnism) has made its way to the top of a Christian fear factor list after more than a year of constant brainwashing that Christian masses were subject to. Amazingly enough, this fear coincides with the realignment of Sunni Muslims to what was always perceived as “Christian demands” (i.e. Independence, Lubnan Awwalan, establishing the authority of the State on all its territory by disarming Lebanese and non-Lebanese armed groups etc…).
After years of “fermentation”, Lebanese Sunnis have finally completed their conversion and joined the “Lebanese project” following the assassination of former PM Rafic Hariri on February 14, 2005. But what would keep them from changing their position once again? Obviously, this won’t happen under the current Baathist regime in Syria but the possibility exists in the event of a regime change that would restore Sunni representation in our neighboring country. And in case that happens, will it be in the interest of the Christians knowing that the two other available alternatives for Lebanese Sunnis are pan-Arab nationalism and political Islam? Something for Christian leaders to ponder about…